Once you have seen the outrageous amount of money you would have to give a realtor to sell your home, perhaps you thought about how to sell your home by owner. Well this article is here to give you 5 easy tips to learn how to sell your home by owner, please find here to sell my house fast . If you want to know how to sell your home by owner, know the prices of the local market. The biggest reason that a house just sits on the market for ages is that it is way over priced. Ask even the best realtors and they will tell you the number one reason a house doesn't move is its price tag. The problem with overpricing your home in the start is two fold! First off when trying to sell your home and the price is too high, it just wont move off the market. However the second problem is the damage you have done! Having a home listed on the market too long has detrimental effects. Once a home stays on the market too long, it loses its appeal! Many buyers wonder why the home hasn't moved, th...